FOR SALE Business operations of an insulation business for sale

Business information

Sale topic For sale company, business operations
Industry Construction
Location Finland
Person count Full-time 33 persons
Adjusted revenue 1 588 000 EUR
Asking price 1 EUR
Based on offers
The main industry of the business is insulation, HVAC and sheet metal.
The business employs 30 professionals in the insulation industry and additionally three persons in administrative positions.
Customers in the industrial insulation industry are traditionally processing industry plants and energy production plants.
Businesses working with HVAC insulation traditionally offer services to the construction industry. The business’ customers are Finland’s largest businesses in the industrial insulation industry, such as Kafer, Arme and Kymsol.
The business is based in Helsinki, but it offers insulation services in all of Finland.
The business stands out from other businesses in the industry by being able to deliver professionals for projects with a tight schedule and by having its own transport vehicles.

Asking price justification

The selling price is determined based on offers. The seller has the right to accept or decline offers.

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