FOR SALE A popular padel hall located centrally in the Uusimaa region

Business information

Sale topic For sale business operations
Industry Gyms and other sports companies
Location Uusimaa
Person count part-time 1 persons
Adjusted revenue 240 000 EUR
Asking price 150 000 EUR
The surplus assets of the business at the time of the sale are not included in the selling price
The business offers premises to play padel in the Uusimaa region and an opportunity for coaching in the sport.
The hall’s central location makes it possible to reach easily with both private and public modes of transport.
The business operates in rented premises which it has invested substantially in when developing the high-quality premises.
The services also include golf simulators, a café with an A-license as well as equipment sales.
The goals set for the operating margin, revenue and profitability of the business were reached in the first financial year.
The new owner can run the business part-time and without their personal presence.

Asking price justification

Padel and golf are growing hobbies. A profitable business. A cost-efficient operation. Principles and technology which promote self-service. Doesn’t require the presence of a new owner and the new owner can run the business part-time. High-quality courts and other premises. All required, substantial investments have been made and there are no new, acute investment needs. Centrally located. Can be reached easily by different modes of transports. An annual operating margin of around 200.000 euros can be reached through the current operation.

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